
Monday, August 23, 2010

East Africa land for human kind.

let's me see how to begin, when my goose told me he wanted us to go to east africa am kind of not confident at all about it but thing's are about to change.

East africa's allure is legendary as we know it. I would said it has a string of charming themself. the first comes to my mind is the safety since the stabilities in each countries arent really quite well. but well once again am wrong.

our journey starting from Kenya. Bit of background about this country. Kenya is one of east africa's premier safari destination. Indeed, the acacia-dotted savannahs of kenya are inhabitated by classic african animals, from towering elephants and prancing gazelles to prides of lions and stalking leopord ( unfortunately we didnt had our luck to see leopord). the country also plays host to the annual wildebeest migration, which is the largest single movement of herd animals on the entire planet.
However, what makes Kenya truly stand out for traveller's destination is the vast pallete of landscapes that stunninly amazing. The image of the savannahs of the Masai Mara national Reserve is perhaps the single key selling point in Kenya.
History political in kenya. Kenya indenpendence from British in the year 1963. The political hand over began in earnest in 1962, with centralist Kenya African National Union ( KANU) and the federalist Kenya African Democratic Union ( KADU) foarming coaliton government. The run-up to independence was suprisingly smooth, although the redistribution of land wasn't a great success. Kenyan's regarded it is too little, too late while white farmers feared the trickle would become a flood. The coaliton government was abandoned after the first elestion in may 1963 KANU's kikuyu leader, Jomo Kenyatta become Kenya's first president on 12 december and his ruling till his death.

1980s Kenya's Mungiki sect responsible for a series of brutal murder in 2008 emerges, inspired in part by the Mau mau rebellion of 1952.

1990s with collapse of communism and the break-up of the Soviet Union, it was no longer necessary for Western powers to prop up non communist regimes in Africa. On 7th july 1990 things comes a head when the military and police raided an opposition demonstration in Nairobi killing 20 and arresting politicians, human right activists and journalist.

The new millineum Moi put his weight firmly behind Uhuru Kenyatta the son of Jomo Kenyatta, as his successor.

On the 2007 kenya held presidential election. The election was a close call, was marred by various misdeed on the part of two leading parties. The riots soon degenerated into all-out violence that very nearly plunged teh country into civil wars.The images onTV screens across the world were both shocking and dissapointing. Kenyan turn into each other with machetes and all maner of crude weapons. About 1500 people died and hundred of thousand were displaced from their home. ( when we took public transport from Nakuru to Eldoret the journey took about 4 or 5 hours and the guy who sat next to us pointed out outside the areas through window where the tragedy took place, stil some pillars and home been burn untouchable) .

Life in Kenya pretty much everywhere in east africa always pole pole ( its mean slowly slowly and they meant it). Many resident of Kenya are more aware of their tribal affiliation than being "Kenyan" this is one the more fascinating aspect of Kenyan life, but the lack of national cohesion undoubtely hold the country back.

I think just about enough for the background now I would like to start with capital city of Kenya, Nairobi.
has a reputation the dangerous city in africa, beating stiff  competition from Johannesburg( South Africa) and Lagos (nigeria). Carjacking, robbery and violence are daily occurances, and the social ills behind them are unlikely to dissapear in the near future.Wait wait wait dont make you think those people were bad people nah ah. Most the crimes usually happening in the slumdogs areas. The areas where are the touristsm mostly around ,pretty much safe but again sometime you need to take precaution especially during dark time. Taking dalla dalla or matutu arent option it is better to take taxi instead,for your own security safety. So far we both noticed the area where we stayed lots of guard around with a gun so there you go. (no worries)

We spent only a day in this city to organized our safari trip for the next day. The city of Nairobi is flat no hills at all not like Rwanda. We spent time by doing bit of sightseeing city which were not much really.Walking to the parliament building ( you are not allowed to take any pictures of the government building if they court you they have the right to take away your camera I thing the reason behind it was terrorism " too late for that " but precaution always good) went to the top of the building, took pictures the whole city and bingo done. Next to the parliament building not that far there's weekend art market. Quite nice to be honest, you will see lot of carving, painting other typically souvenirs stuff. U can done your last shopping before departure here if you wish. Also there's another art market but when we went inside was very much quite still few of shops opening but not much action.

Food, I like this part very interesting indeed their food.  Lot of BBQ chicken beef,goat in skewers. Then for the side dish u can choose rice, ugali, chips. The sauce simple as well chillies sauce and tomatoes sauce. Drinks they have their own beer which is Tusker and my favourite soda is Stoney its like ginger beer freshin u up the end of your meal.

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